NEWACC currently consists of nearly 100 members, with all New England states, New Jersey, New York, and Canada represented.
Membership in NEWACC is open to anyone interested in writing/speaking/thinking across the curriculum. We encourage participation from the K-12, community college, four-year college, and research university communities.
There are no dues for membership in NEWACC, though participation in the meetings held at members’ institutions and at the Northeast Writing Centers Association Conferencemay involve registration fees.
The NEWACC listserv allows NEWACC members from across the northeast region to communicate via email. Reminders about NEWACC meetings are also sent out via the NEWACC listserv.
Email Susanmarie Harrington ( at University of Vermont to join the NEWACC listserv.
NEWACC meets every fall and spring. In even numbered years, fall meetings take place at the biennial Quinnipiac University Critical Thinking and Writing conference. In odd numbered years, they rotate at other member institutions.
Spring NEWACC meetings take place at the annual Northeast Writing Centers Association (NEWCA) conference.